I hope 2017 was a good year for you and that you’re as ready for 2018 as I am?
2017 was quite significant for me; I lost weight, got fitter and my eldest child turned 16; quite a milestone birthday which has made me reflect on the years that have passed since he was born. I can still clearly remember being pregnant for the first time, wondering what my little boy would look like and being so excited to meet him. It really doesn’t seem all that long ago and now this ‘little boy’ towers above me and is deciding on future studies and considering careers.
So onto 2018, here are my key priorities – both personal and blog/interiors-related!
Health & Fitness
After being a bit lazy about diet and exercise all my life (and getting away with it to an extent), at 45 I realised that metabolism really does slow with age as I caught myself in a shop mirror in Selfridges and thought, who is that?
I’d been ignoring the fact that a couple of extra stones had gradually crept on me. I was also feeling stiff in my joints, especially in the morning and experiencing niggling back issues. Then last New Year’s Eve we were going to a party and I had to do a last minute outfit change as the dress I’d planned to wear looked awful on me. My belly was protruding further than my bust and I knew I had to do something about it in 2017! It was a kick up the arse, so last January I joined Slimming World and began to run.
I’m so glad I took this decision as, honestly, looking back to this time last year, I now feel ten years younger. I also think I look better and am just happier in myself.
This is the chunkier me when my shower room was featured in Style At Home magazine in May 2017. The photo was actually taken in September 2016, so by the time the magazine came out I had already lost most of the weight and was a bit taken aback when I saw it!
By the time I reached my target weight in the summer, I had lost two stones, but I had also lost all my curves and looked a bit too thin, so I’ve probably gained about half a stone now and feel just right. This was taken in November 2017:
I’ve never been a sporty gal so I am surprised I’ve stuck with running this year, but it has seriously improved my fitness and my shape, so I’m totally committed to keeping it up! Plus running has given me a positive mental boost as well as a physical one. Chatting through life’s issues for 30-40 minutes with friends a couple of times a week is like therapy! A problem shared and all that.
When I think back to January 2017, I could barely run for two minutes without getting totally breathless. I still get breathless now, but I can usually sustain my running for 5K (and even managed 6.7K recently) so if you don’t think you can do it, believe you can – just build it up slowly. You can read my previous running post here.
My Fitness Goal for 2018: Run the Manchester 10K in May
My Home
Although we went for a darker look in the front room and installed a new floor in the back room (and moved the sofa from front to back), plus added a new kitchen counter/coffee bar, I feel that not as much was completed in our home as I would have liked to see in 2017. But kids, work, life, ya know…
So there are plenty of DIY and decorating projects I want to tackle in the coming weeks, which I am determined to get on with and of course share on the blog and my social channels. My priorities are to revamp the hall, stairs and landing as well as the master bedroom. I am also plotting a re-purposing of sorts in our conservatory, plus a kitchen revamp and downstairs loo refresh, as both rooms look tired and in need of a fresh coat of paint. I also want to try and improve our outdoor space in 2018 when the weather improves.
In terms of de-cluttering, it needs doing and I’ve decided to try the ‘Kon Mari’ approach. I know the book by Marie Kondo ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying’ was a big hit with lots of people a couple of years or so ago, but I studiously ignored it then as I didn’t feel that I had the energy to tackle a major home overhaul. However, I’ve just bought her newer title, Spark Joy, as the ‘new me’ is ready for a radical clear out. I figure this tried and tested method is definitely worth a shot, so I’ll let you know how it goes!
My Home Goal for 2018: Follow the Kon Mari approach to de-cluttering
The #tidylife Blog / Career Aspirations
It has been a busy year on the blog as usual with lots of home and lifestyle topics covered and some great giveaway prizes were kindly donated by brands for readers to win, including a fabulous sofa and various homeware and cleaning gadgets!
I began this blog in 2012 and am still thoroughly enjoying it, but want to do more and make it better! Having made some great friends through blogging, there’s a lot of talented writers and home stylists around who inspire me daily, plus a fantastic ever-growing community of home interior enthusiasts, especially on Instagram, where I want to spend a bit more of my online time in 2018.
I am also ready to branch out into some new things alongside the blog, such as offering social media support to brands and businesses, plus interior design advice for homeowners and retail. I’m starting the new year styling a commercial interior and would love to do more of this sort of work this year.
My Career Goal for 2018: Social Media & Interior Design Consultancy
So those are my goals for the coming year. If you’ve got this far, thank you for reading and also massive thanks to everyone who read and commented on my blog or social channels in 2017; I truly appreciate each and every message and wish you all well for 2018!
© Copyright 2018 Antonia, All rights Reserved. Written For: Tidylife
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