There are few things that you can buy online and not worry about at all. Washing powders, shampoos, and even an online food shop! Yet, a few things are a little bit riskier to buy online: like jewellery. It might not matter too much when you are buying cheaper jewellery, but the higher the price ...
The Secret To Decorating Your Small Space
Are you struggling with how to decorate your small room? Your space may be smaller than what you had in mind, but that doesn't mean it can't look great. Below are some tips on making the most of your space and arranging furniture for maximum comfort. Organisation Is Key Having a small space ...
Creating a Panelled Feature Wall with Lick Paint in Green 02
This is the second time I have used paint from Lick for a decorating project in my home and I have enjoyed using it just as much as I did previously in our hall makeover. The colour I was keen to try this time is the soft sage Green 02 with a hint of blue and grey. Choosing the matt finish (there ...
Short Story: How to Prepare Your Christmas Inventory in Advance
Christmas is a time that lots of people look forward to. There are global-wide Christmas traditions that people enjoy being a part of and it’s different for everyone. For many, it's a celebration of food, the people around you, the birth of Jesus Christ and everything he symbolized, the exchanging ...
Boost Your Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem is really common and it can totally ruin your life if you let it. When you don’t feel good about yourself, you are less likely to follow your dreams and do the things you really want to do in life, which is why, if you don’t feel great about yourself, you need to work on changing ...